What NOT to Bring to School

What NOT to Bring to School

Please remind your child that the following listed are not allowed on campus as they are distractors to learning.  The school provides sufficient items for children to play with for both indoor and outdoor recesses.  Theft or loss of such items will not be investigated by school personnel.  Neither the school nor the district will be held liable for any damage or loss incurred.  Please note that these items are also not allowed on campus during the after-school program as well. 

  • Valuable items such as electronic games, computers, tablets, handheld devices, and Tamagotchis

  • Balls (We have balls students can use while on campus.)

  • Toys (i.e., marbles, Tazos, Pogs, hot wheels, dolls, etc.)

  • Skateboards, scooters, Heelys (shoes with wheels)

  • Trading cards (i.e., Pokémon, Magic, World of Craft, Duel Masters, Cardfight, etc.)

  • Chewing gum is never allowed

  • Candy (May be allowed on specific occasions, i.e. Halloween and Valentine’s.)


The Board of Education has adopted a very strict policy regarding students possessing dangerous weapons such as guns, knives, explosive devices, etc. The policy states that “The Board prohibits any person other than authorized law enforcement or security personnel from possessing weapons, imitation firearms, or dangerous instruments of any kind in school buildings, on school grounds or buses, at a school-related or school-sponsored activity away from school, or while going to or coming from school...Students possessing, without permission, or threatening others with any weapon, dangerous instrument, or imitation firearm are subject to suspension and/or expulsion in accordance with law, Board policy,and administrative regulations.” This policy applies to students of any age or grade level bringing any weapon to school.  Please discuss this policy with your child on a regular basis.


Airing on the side of caution, please do not allow students to wear any clothing or bring any objects (school supply included) that might depict anything obscene or inappropriate.  


If for whatever reason you are sending your child to school with money, please make sure they are keeping it in a safe place, giving it to whomever they need to give it to, and are NOT passing it along to a friend.